❥ I am reading...

It arrived one month later than planned and boy was I impatient to open the mailbox and find the chunky parcel there, coming all the way from the UK! Every single day, I turned the little key in the keyhope, hoping that it would unveil the precious book cautiously wrapped up in its brown paper case... This made its delivery even more delightful, in the end, as you can easily imagine. All bad things carry good news, if we just pay enough attention to details and every beat of our anxious heart.

Speaking of hearts...

Bigger than her previous creations, My Heart Wanders is Pia Jane Bijkerk's latest book. The dimension of the book is not the only difference, obviously. Whereas her previous guides were kind Cicerones into the meanders of Paris and Amsterdam, this is an introspective voyage into her life, her choices, discoveries and soul and root searching adventures ; as she travels physically from one continent to the other, she discovers her true inner self to a point that many of us still need to reach... Her creative nature permeates her decisions and every page of the book - this was already palpable in her lovely blog, one of my most regular reads when in search for sould comfort and poetry in every aspect of our daily life.

Pia is a talented photographer too, perfectly reflecting in her pictures the folds of her minds and infusing a great sense of calm and peace to her every page and text. Her heart is definitely wandering and kindly invites ours to do the same at every turn of the carefully crafted and laid out page...

Credits: TheDaydreamerDiary

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