Make up was an all-important step when preparing the ballet gala of the end of the year, and as a young ballet dancer I enjoyed its home ritual just as much as all the rest. No professional make-up artists for us, but my mother's expert hand and colorful little pots and soft brushes that would make me feel like a shining star in a tutu.
This partly explains my passion for make-up in general, a passion I must obviously (and luckily) rain in if I want to live a balanced everyday life; but still, I like to try shades and textures out and I am not afraid, even when it comes to going for the red lipstick. It is all part of an intimate disguise ritual that has the power of soothing the morning or the evening routine, depending on the occasions.
Bobby Brown's Makeup Manual is a basic guide to step-by-step make-up: it is very functional and efficient both in the text and in its layout, but at the same time it fuels a distant and impossible dream. Let's face it: who can put make-up on in the morning in 10 steps? I mean, 10. Besides, I am afraid that the layered tons of creams, concelears and brightners that should be the basis of all colorful attempts may only end up in making anyone look like a spooky ghost covered with thick hide.
Do not get me wrong: the manual is still entertaining, mainly thanks to its lively pictures and to the final chapters on advice for aspiring professionals who may end up working in the TV or movie industry, for example. I have to admit that when thinking about mascaras and false lashes one does not necessarily think of their use in the professional world.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to powder my nose...
Photos : TheDaydreamer (with iPhone)
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