Magical feather

Buying online has become quite normal for me now and if you think that I was always strictly against it for security reasons, it is quite surprising and I am the first one to be surprised. The reason of my shift in habits - they remain very, very limited, but still - is Internet itself: so many products available only a click away! So the whole idea worked beautifully on little gullible me, but as long as I find it rewarding all is well.

It can only be rewarding not to take a plane and fly to Australia (or maybe it would be, actually) to buy a magazine or even a subscription to it, right? I marvel everyday at all the things I discover thanks to the Internet and at all the books I found out about... This time though, I stumbled across a mook (magazine-book) that fascinated me the minute I read its title: Dumbo Feather.

Remeber our big-earred Dumbo? He had to hold a magical feather to be able to believe in himself, to trust his ability to fly high in the sky. Well, the title of this unusual magazine couldn't be any other and epitomizes with utter perfection and relevance its contents: stories from people of all paths of life who have followed their dreams and made them come true. It may sound cheesy put this way, but when your dreams mean helping finance community development in Africa, become a designer even if you started in an entirely different field, founding your own fashion company... well they may be worth telling as they may inspire other daydreamers and translate into meaninful and efficient projects.

Strong personalities with their heads full of ideas and resources tell their stories accompanied by beautiful, original pictures - everything is printed on heavy, grainy paper that gives the magazine a bookish look with that romantic Polaroid style of old. Each article is an interview or rather a dialogue - friendly, at times intimate, but always captivating without being invasive. The formula is efficient since as you read on you feel like you are over the phone speaking with an old friend who wants to share his/her enthusiasm.

A good balance that works magic if you still believe in people, their talent, their hopes and dreams and their ingeniosity to make it all work out!

On the practical side, it does take quite a few weeks to get the magazine in your Western European mailbox and it is quite expensive (with shipment costs on top)... Well, Internet could possibly do with a Dumbo feather to find a remedy, don't you think?

Sweet dreams to all of you...and enjoy your evening reading!

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