The Cookie Gatherer {Roll the Dough}

Baking Cookies

This recipe is taken from the gorgeous Mon Petit Bistrot (by Claudia Ambu), with a few personal tweaks based on what was available in my pantry...

After a bit of mindless flower gathering under the sun with my eldest daughter, it is time to make our very own flowers at home with our four hands kneading together while laughing our hearts out at the sticky bits of dough fallen here and there and at our white noses covered in flour.

A simple, fragrant recipe to fill our home with delicious flowers to nibble at all day long.

Cookie ingredients
(Click on image to enlarge)

Option: We chose a spring-themed cookie cutter, but of course you may choose any shape you want, letting your imagination run free to tell a lovely related story as you knead, cut and bake.

Will you share your own story with me?

Credits: TheDaydreamer

12 commentaires:

  1. Oh my, these little cookies look (and most certainly must taste) delightful! I'm still apprehensive about using my Paris oven (which makes you wonder what we've been eating I'm sure ;)... love that there are such few and simple ingredients!

    1. Dear Catherine, these are very simple cookies to bake but provide such pleasure (and they are definitely kid-friendly, a plus in my book ;-)) What type of oven do you have? I lived 5 years without an oven, which definitely spurred my imagination, if that may come as a consolation ;-)

    2. Five years without an oven! Wow....that's intriguing. You'll have to some day share what creative meals you set on the table during that time (p.s. I'm a huge fan of the microwave and Picard :). I believe my oven is Whirlpool by Ikea (it came with the apartment, thank goodness - as nothing else did!)...

    3. The thing about ovens though, is that you really need to get used to them - as if each of them had its own personality... And now you think I am crazy ;-) Great idea about non-oven meals, I had not thought about that - thanks for the tip :-)

  2. These cookies look very delicious and the recipie seems simple enough! Am just baking a cheesecake ....with strawberries!
    Thanks for leaving such a nice comment on my blog! Am now following yours, love what I have seen so far. Sunny weekend to you.

    1. Hi Karen,
      How lovely of you to stop by, welcome to my humble blog - a place I cherish and try to fuel with all that makes me happy... Hope you will enjoy it around here. All the best,

  3. quanto sono buoni i biscotti di frolla, così classici da non stancare mai :-)

    1. Grazie di essere passate da qui - e ne approfitto per scoprire con immenso piacere il vostro blog, scritto a 4 mani, una bellissima idea! La frolla è uno spasso (oltre ad essere ottima, anche cruda la divoro!) e sto già pensando alla prossima infornata :-) Buona e dolce settimana a voi!

  4. L'inglese non lo mastico bene ma spero di aver capito la ricetta, dei biscotti di frolla deliziosi, perfetti per una pausa caffè e con un buon libro in mano... Piacere di conoscerti!

    1. Ciao Ely e benvenuta a casa mia! La ricetta della frolla è tratta da Mon Petit Bistrot (puoi cliccare sul link nel post), semplice, saporita e fragrante... La frolla è molto divertente da lavorare e si puo' veramente lasciar correre libera l'immaginazione. Piacere di e-incontrarti ;-)

  5. Avevo fatto biscotti con questa forma a fiore per festeggiare un anno di blog, l'adoro... :-) Sarà che tutto ciò che mi ricorda la primavera ha un posto speciale tra le mie preferenze... soprattutto se abbinato ad un buon tè...

  6. Cara Francesca, so che la primavera fa parte della tua natura e mi fa piacere che i nostri fiorellini ti ispirino. La prossima volta mi sa tanto che faremo tante stelline, un'altra forma incantevole che mi fa sognare. Adesso che ne parli, ma lo sai che il mese di aprile segna il compleanno del mio blog?!! Che sbadata che sono...


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