Blogroll Alert: Three Talented Ladies

You know how much I enjoy an efficient and updated blogroll as the perfect tool to send me spinning and happily blog hopping for hours, day and night. So you just know how happy I am to announce three new entries that have literally stolen my (Italian) heart, fueled my love for food and interest in photography: 

How have I virtually met them? Well, easy peasy: via another blog already featured in my blogroll for some time now, and a reliable stand by of mine for instant reading comfort, culinary inspiration and visual gratification. I am referring to the beautiful Vaniglia Cooking by Rossella Venezia.

What do I like in the three (or four) ladies' blogs?

First of all, their writing style. Reading is my number one passion and I do get transported into their worlds and experiences thanks to their spontaneous storytelling, their anecdotes, references and adventures brightly underlined by their honest, direct and lively styles. Their posts are the door to their passionate lives and all that enriches them, making it a wealth of inspiration and a very pleasurable read any time of the day. Beyond their unique writing style and skills, I enjoy their take on food, with natural and seasonal ingredients on the forefront and personal, family, friend stories behind almost every dish and sometimes even ingredient.

Their blogs resonate with the echo of their shared experiences, and this is also something that, in my book, makes them special. You can hop from one blog to the other and you will instantly feel at home because they share the same essential elements, starting with friendship. All in all, as a reader, I have the feeling of being taken by the hand to a safe haven, a friend's intimate home where a solid wooden table awaits me.

There's another reason for me to add their blogs to my blogroll and to mention their names: I have left my country of origin many years ago and whenever I read their posts, it is like being back home again. I crave for their stories and experiences, book reviews and anything they can mention that sends me back to my roots. I do realize while writing this, that this is most certainly a very personal reason for enjoying every delicious crumb they drop along the way... It still counts as a good reason though, wouldn't you say so?

Last but not least, their talent for photography is the icing on the cake: each picture beautifully compliments their recipes and resonates with attention to details and eagerness to bring their skills always a step further. Sometimes they are not happy with the light or shadow of a picture - and those times I wonder "what is she talking about, this picture is perfect!". The quest for perfection is a sound one, teaching us many lessons along the patient path of photography...

Encouraged by their great work in all fields as well as by their complementarity and art of sharing, it is only too natural that I joined their Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts (whenever available). (As you know, I am still quite reluctant to visit Facebook, so I'll leave that aside for now.)

I hope that, like me, you will thoroughly enjoy their blogs.

It is food for the soul.

4 commentaires:

  1. GRAZIE! Doveroso scriverlo in maiuscolo... :-) E' bello quando arriva agli altri l'amore e la passione per quello che facciamo... teniamo tanto ai nostri "angolini" di parole, foto e ricette, ci rispecchiano, sono come stanze che ognuna arreda a suo modo...

  2. Cara Donatella, eccomi ho voglia di scriverti ancora ;-) anche qua, perché quando dico 'grazie' mi piace ripetermi e ripetermi un'altra volta di più!Un caro saluto!

  3. ci sono anche io, e come già fatto in privato ti ringrazio di cuore di questo splendido "hommage"!

  4. Grazie a tutte e tre! A presto sui vostri blog rispettivi per tanti bei momenti da trascorrere insieme.


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