Over the past weeks, there have been a few new entries in this blog (Train of thoughts, City Lights), improvements readily inspired by some post ideas that simply did not fit into the existing categories, in my humble author opinion, you see. As pictures, ideas and posts dangerously fill my brain -and computer- to the brim, new developments need to be implemented - this sounds so office-like, goodness. Bottom line is: you have not seen the last change yet around here!
In a bright light-bulb blogging moment, I thought that it would be cosy to invite guests over, just as we do in our everyday life. Guests bring news from their own world, the outside world with their very personal touch, ideas, beliefs and experiences. They bring fresh air and stimulate us, encourage us to open up our cosy psychological and four-wall nest. We enjoy having guests over very much, so I think I will enjoy just as much having guests over in this blog. Sounds fair, doesn't it?
Unlike in real life though, guests pushing open this blog's door will have their very own room. Can't win them all.
At least, in computer fairyland, I can offer them a free space where they can express themselves, decorating the walls and floors as they best see fit, chosing the colors and hues and leaving their specific footprint whenever and however they wish (possibly no inflatable blue mattrass around here then - arent' you happy, guests?).
Welcome, dear guests, in the Guest Room, a brand new post category, for your writing only.
Où est la porte d'entrée ? J'aurais bien une pensée ou deux à envoyer, à l'occasion...
Ahhhh, voilà qui me ravit ! Je n'osais pas te le demander, mais ta porte d'entrée est tout trouvée. Si t'as des trucs à partager, envoie ! C'est sans frontières (mais pas les jeux, hein). mouaaaa
ReplyDeleteOui, mais... Comment ??? I thought I might just send some pics (old and new) and comments once in a while. Show me the path!! (-: Where should I put them?
ReplyDeleteZe one you recognised.
AHHHHHHH, je comprends, je t'envoie à TOI et c'est toi qui bloggues !! Ouh, ça peut le faire. C'est bien plus simple !
Si tu veux, oui. Mais en fait c'est toi qui bloggues : ton texte, tes photos - je vais me limiter à les afficher si tu veux. C'est ce que nous avons fait avec ma mère : le billet Viaggi, c'est elle qui l'a écrit et nous avons chois les photos ensemble, mais bon pour toi le choix des photos t'appartient totalement. Ouuuh, ça m'enchante à l'avance de voir ce que tu vas m'envoyer !!!!