The Belgian city of Antwerp traditionally lies on our itinerary when we travel south to France; it lies on our itinerary, but we never stop, too preoccupied to get to our final destination where appointments of all kinds await us - it seems that just like in a computer game, we have no time to linger, just a target to reach with no space for improvising. In a way, Antwerp has always been sacrificed on the altar of travel efficiency.
Not anymore, thanks to the long Easter week-end, half of which was lazily spent in the capital of diamond trade. Whether Antwerp is still this capital, it is a bit unclear to me, given that there has been a contest of supremacy for years with Amsterdam (ha, of all cities - this is a sign). The fact is that by chance, our hotel was deep in the heart of the diamond traders HQ, which translated into us bumping into countless orthodox Jews dressed with their traditional clothes: the men in long black coats, with their long beards and characteristic hats and white socks: the women also in black and with white socks, the only touch of color being (sometimes) a foulard tied around their heads. Most of the time they were strolling around under the sun with many children in their wake. The Jewish community was traditionally the one detaining the diamond trade and this explains the high number of their members in the area. In other words, we found out about the trade history in the city and, possibly more interestingly, about the men behind the History and the business.
Seing so many orthodox Jews made us feel we were in a different country (well, we were, technically speaking): the scenery was very Western like and totally accessible to us, while the traditions and the language spoken around us, we knew nothing about - all signs in shops were written in yiddish and whenever we crossed the traders' path, we could not understand what they were saying. When some children seemed very interested in our wonderfully kind doggy (this sentence is obviously not biased), they asked us questions in English! It was a happy encounter and I was glad contact was made because, after all, we were their guests.
Blessed by two beautiful days and the sun's rejoycing company, we walked and walked (and walked) from the diamond district to the old city center where the famous cathedral dominates de brownstone house scenery and the small cobblestone squares, so typical of this part of northern Europe. The intricate streets at the foot of the cathedral welcomed us with their lively atmosphere and small facades, so narrow that you wonder how the apartment layout must be... Further on (and still with swollen and painful feet), we reached the imposing central station building - another cathedral, as they say - and the beautiful zoo entrance that announced the beginning of yet another exotic world, within the city walls, for a change.
Enjoy the long week-end, celebrate with family and friends and keep your eyes and curiosity opened at all times for everyday daydreaming!
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