Hurrying, running, sporting outdoor, indoor, swimming, walking and...getting my feet off the ground, up in the air even, to try and give these pillars of the body some well-deserved rest. Let's admit it: who ever thinks about feet in everyday life? We just use them to the bone, without a second thought, just like those worn-out tyres you never take a second look at when driving. Or at least, I do...
But things change and one thing leading to another, I need now to put my feet up in the air more than ever, so here I am, typing while lying down with the famous life-saving cushion supporting my extremities. The perfect picture.
The feet look at me and beg for extra care and treatment whenever possible, so I finally give in to all those little special moments of self-indulgence you always hear about, but never practice. The first step then takes me to the shower where cold water trickles down my legs and is then sprayed upward to invigorate the senses and the blood. The soothing effect is immediate, but there is actually also the softer, lazier option that consists in slipping my feet into a bubble bath - forget warm water, not good for what you got - while I leaf through the latest non-novel book delivered at my door. The bubbles tickle my soles and spark up the day.
All that remains left to be done is to rub in some voluptuous, velvety cream delicately flavored for a complete experience - my feet are then more than happy to tell each other rice-scented stories while enjoying, eventually, peace and rest, way off the ground and all those earthy weights. When the legs get jealous and scream for their share of freshness, the soothing gel kicks in and leaves behind a mint fragrance and the feeling that the next marathon is behind the corner, together with the winner's cup.
1 - Helen Maria Turner, The Footbath
2 - The Daydreamerdiary with:
-Bracelet from Gruichcaramis
-Book by Christilla Pellé-Douël
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